Ka Rongkhli (Tiger Dance of Nongtalang)
Initial research seems to point to the fact that variations of the Tiger Dance (Chad Khla/Rongkhli) festival were quite common in many parts of Jaintia Hills. Nongtalang and Bataw being the best known examples.
The festival would usually involve the community hunting of a wild tiger. This could last for a number of days and would involve tracking the animal over great distances. Great care was paid by the elders to ensure that certain religious conditions were met before the hunt could commence.
When they finally managed to subdue the beast, the men would parade joyfully with the carcass around the village borders (usually in costumes similar to these displayed here).
Then they would clean and cook the animal at a designated site outside the village. It would be eaten and shared among all who had assembled there.
No part of the animal could be brought into the village or a calamity would befall the residents. This special meat was believed to have a protective effect on the body for about a year.
DISCLAIMER: Owing to the ban on tiger hunting, the Rongkhli festival has not taken place in many years. Some of the photos displayed here are actually of the Rongkusi festival which makes use of the same dances and costumes without the obligatory slain cat.
Ka Rongkhli (Ka Shad Khla Jong Ki Nongtalang)
Kine ki jain bad ki dur, ki pyni ha ngi ia ka jinglong jong ka Chad Khla ne Rongkusi, kumba ju khot ki War-Jaintia. Mynshuwa ki don bun ki shnong kiba shait pynlong ia kane ka jingiashad hynrei mynta kiba paw duh kidei ka Nongtalang bad ka Bataw.
Ia kane ka Rongkhli, ki riew hyndai ki ju sdang da kaba leh knia leh khriam (kaduk ha ktien Nongtalang) bad hadien katta ynda ki la ioh dak ioh shin na ki blei, ki shynrang jong ka shnong ki ia mih ban beh mrad.
Ynda ki la ia thwet bad ioh pyniap ia u khla, ki ju wanlam ia ka met jong u shabar jong u pud u sam jong ka shnong bad hangta ki leh niam leh rukom lem bad ka shad pastieh; ki leh sngewbha, ki kynhui shongshit.
Ia kata ka met khla ki hap ban pynkhuid bad shet hangta hi. Baroh kiba don hangta ki ioh bam khyndiat bad la hukum ba ym long ban rah iwei i dkhot ruh shapoh shnong. Lada don ba leh kumta ka lah ban wan ka jingsniew halor ka iing jong ki ne halor ka shnong ruh.
Ki riewhyndai ki ju ngeit ba kata ka doh khla ka don bor ban iada ia ki khamtam na ki jingpang bapher bapher.
Katto katne na ki dur kiba la buh hangne ki dei jong ka Rongkusi ym jong ka Rongkhli. Ki ia syriem hynrei ha ka Rongkusi ym donkam ban pyniap khla.
Photo courtesy / Dur na — Mr H H Mohrmen, Mr Dapmon Syngkor
Costume courtesy / Jain na — Ms Lucy Dkhar